大銀河中心總理 --- Lord Salvington20121228揚升訊息(上)
大银河中心总理 --- Lord Salvington20121228扬升讯息(上)" title="非常重要(上): 大銀河中心總理 --- Lord Salvington20121228揚升訊息(上)" height="461" width="635">
A Message from Lord Salvington, President of Galactic Center Through Elizabet trutwin ~December 28, 2012
- Posted by Jose Ignacio Contreras on December 29, 2012 at 1:34am
通靈管道: Elizabet trutwin
中文翻譯: 林琚月
Greetings. This is Lord Salvington. I am a member of the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds and the President of Galactic Center. The Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds is a group of Planets within the Milky Way Galaxy and Planets in neighboring Galaxies within your Solar System and Universe such as your nearest neighbor the Andromedan Galaxy. I am transmitting to you through the MotherShip the Phoenixwith Admiral Soltec. Soltec is in charge of all intergalactic communications within your Galaxy from his Ship which is a grand Engineering City of Light. Soltec often connects the International Space Station on Earth with its member astronauts from off Planet, like the Altamarians. Earth scientists and Galactic Federation scientists have been working together over 60 years. The governments of your Planet have kept this a secret. I am also here with Lord Sananda and Lord Ashtar of the New Jerusalem and Lord Michael from the New Bethlehem and Lord Maitreya from the Surya. We bring news of developments for Earth in the last few days since your Sun Sol crossed Galactic Center and aligned with Cosmic Center.
向大家問好! 我是Lord Salvington. 我是 「(數個)世界聯合銀河聯邦」(The Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds)中的一員, 也是 負責 「銀河中心」的總理. 這世界銀河聯邦(The Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds) 是在你的太陽系與宇宙當中的, 你們銀河系附近的銀河系中, 的一群行星組織, 就像你們最近的鄰居銀河系是 the Andromedan Galaxy. 我現在在 「鳳凰號」(the Phoenix)的母艦上和 海軍將軍Admiral Soltec在一起. Admiral Soltec從他的飛船上負責你的銀河系中的星際通訊事宜. --- 而這艘母艦本身就是一座偉大的機械設計的 「光的城市」. Soltec經常與在地球上的 「國際太空中心」(the International Space Station) 和他們在外層空間的航天員合作, 比如Altamarians. 地球科學家們與銀河聯邦的科學家們已經一起共事超過60年了. 你們的政府們都把這件事當成機密保護起來. --- 耶穌撒南達Lord Sananda and在新耶路撒冷的阿斯塔司令 Lord Ashtar of the New Jerusalem and在新的伯利恆的大天使麥克Lord Michael from the New Bethlehem and以及在蘇里亞的Lord Maitreya from the Surya 此時也都與我在一起. --- 我們為你們帶來了, 自從你們的太陽系的太陽通過了銀河中心(Galactic Center), 並與 宇宙銀河中心 (Cosmic Center)對齊之後, 最近這幾天的地球最新發展訊息.
We would like to share the news that Earth is integrating the vibrations from the 7th Dimension. Since all time Earth has experienced different Dimensions in different areas of Earth. The Holy Sacred Sites have always retained their Higher Dimensional frequencies even as Earth fell in frequency over a period of thousands of years. Today you experience this as you leave your vehicles and breathe in the Higher Vibrations when walking onto the land within the Higher Dimension. It is these areas of Earth where the StarGates reside. The land around the StarGates never fell. The Star Masters gathered here have remained as partners with Earth and have never lost their connection or commitment to Earth. Maitreya, Sananda and Michael have incarnated on Earth and have never been born into bodies. They are descendant Souls who remain incarnate and never die. They come and go on Earth and travel from one spot on Earth to the other as they Will. They walk through walls and enter unannounced. They may visit you in your home in their Etheric Body. You may place your hand right through their Etheric Body also called a Glowie Body. Invite them in.
我們要告訴大家 --- 地球目前是在統合從第七維度來的頻率. 地球其實各區域一直都在經驗不同的維度. 聖地的維度其實一直都維持在較高的頻率當中 --- 即使當地球在幾千年來維度一直在下降. 今天, 如果你停下車子而走入一個較高維度的地方的話, 你也會體驗到相同的事情. --- 就是在這些(高維度)區域 --- 就是 「星門」的所在之地. 在 「星門」附近的維度都不會下降. 而來自星際世界的大師們與地球維持著夥伴的關係 --- 從來不會與地球失去聯繫或放棄對地球的承諾. Maitreya, Sananda and Michael 都有轉世的肉身在地球 --- 但從來不是透過 「肉身生產」 而轉世的. 祂們是轉世的大師高靈們而且擁有不死之身. 祂們在地球上自由來去, 依照意願隨處旅行. 祂們可以穿牆入室而不事先宣佈. 祂們可能以以太體的方式到你家去拜訪你. 你也可以把你的手伸入祂們的以太體中去. 「以太體」又稱 「發光體」 (Glowie Body). 邀請祂們進來吧!
Earth has obtained a majority level of 5D Multidimensional frequencies beginning in 2008 and 2009. You all experienced the surge in your awakening process then. We continued to bring messages of Higher Dimensional frequencies without revealing that Earth was moving finally into the 7th Dimension. We could see then that many would ridicule this concept so we talked for many years about moving from 3D to 5D. The even numbered Dimensions are the Twin to its odd numbered Dimension.
自從2008和2009年開始, 地球一直獲得一個大部份是五D的多維度頻率多層次現象. 從那時開始你們一直都體驗到你的覺醒程序的大躍進. 我們一直持續的從高維度發佈訊息給你們而沒有透露地球其實是向著第七維度最終會邁進的事實. 我們可以看到有多少人會嘲諷這件事 --- 所以我們這麼多年來一直在談論從三D 到五D的揚升這回事. 而事實上 「偶數」維度就是 「奇數」 維度的 「雙生」維度.
The 4th Dimension denotes Time. Space as experienced from a point in Time. Many old time Lightworkers still describe the 4th Dimension as the Astral Plane. This is misunderstood because the dark Ones had actually infiltrated the 4th Dimension of Time and were manipulating the Timelines. This was never the Astral Plane but was overcome with Astral Bodies working for the dark Ones and that has now been completely cleared. Time is a lower form of Vibration. The 5th Dimension is No Time. We are there. You have experienced more than glimmers of it if you allow yourself to remember. How many of you have experienced ʻLost Timeʻ? This is when you went into your Etheric Body to join with us and view your Mission and returned to your 3D Avatar Body a couple of hours later. You did not fall asleep during those periods. You were not napping. You were experiencing a shift in frequency and preparing your Earth Avatar Body for the quickening.
第四維度表示的是 「時間」. 而 「空間」 是 「時間點」 中的一個 「體驗」. 許多老派的光工們仍然把 「第四維度」 描述成為 「星體世界」( 星飛機?) (Astral Plane). --- 這是一種誤解! --- 因為 「黑暗份子」們早就已經滲透入「第四維度」而且一直在操控 「時間線」! – 這「第四維度」從來就不是一個 「星體世界」( 星飛機?) (Astral Plane), 而且已經透過使用 「星際體」 (The astral body) 來克服掉 「黑暗份子」們的操控, 而且這些 「操控」 已經被清除乾淨了! 「時間」 其實是一種 「低的頻率」!!! 「第五維度」 是沒有時間的. 我們在那裡. 如果你允許你自己去記得的話 --- 你對 「第五維度」的記憶不只是靈光一閃而已! 你們有多少人記得 「失去的時間」? --- 那就是你走入你的以太體並與我們在 「第五維度」會面, 檢視你在 「第三維度」的使命時, 然後再在幾個小時之後回到你神聖的 「第三維度」身體時所發生的事. 在那段時間你並沒有睡覺. 你甚至沒在打瞌睡. 你那時經歷的是 「頻率的揚升」, 而且為了你地球身體的揚升在做準備.
The even Dimensions represent the dark Matter and the odd Dimensions represent the light Matter. The 6th Dimension represents the dark Matter of Space. The 7th Dimension is the bridge between the 5th and 9th Dimensions. Obtaining the 7th Dimensional Earth simply means energetically accessing more connections to the Higher Realms of Truth.
「偶數維度」代表 「黑暗物質」, 而 「奇數維度」 代表 「光物質」. 「第六維度」 代表 「空間的暗物質」! 而 「第七維度」 是「第五維度」 與 「第九維度」 中間的橋樑. 獲得 「第七維度」 的地球簡單說 --- 代表著地球能量現在可以與更高的真理相連接了.
Your bodies are changing rapidly to hold the Light at the Higher Frequencies. The Dimensions which exist within the dark Matter Universe work as partners such as a double helix. The even numbers hold the frequency patterns of light and sound frequency vibration of dark Matter and the odd numbers hold the frequency patterns of light and sound frequency vibration of light Matter. These spiral into infinity as fractal patterns up to the 13th Dimension.
你的身體也正快速的在改變當中來承受更高維度的光. 在這個黑暗的宇宙當中, 維度空間是呈現雙螺旋狀的互生互動狀態. 「偶數維度」 同時保持著來自暗物質的 「光的頻率」以及 「聲音的頻率」.
而 「奇數維度」同時保持著來自光物質的 「光的頻率」以及 「聲音的頻率」. 這些螺旋形向著無限空間盤旋而上直到 「十三維度」而成為其中的一個部份型式.
Beyond 13D all Dimensions are pure light frequency. Earth is now halfway Home! She will regain her status in the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds as she enters this Higher Dimension. It is not always easy to grasp that Earth exists in the Now on all of these Dimensions. You are free to travel back and forth in your Avatar bodies at will. You need only remember how. You do this by calling on your Angelic Galactic Guides to show you how. It is not hard. It requires ecstatic joy. Meditation is how to reach that State of Consciousness. The 7th Dimension enters the Realm of Pure Expression. This is the learning ground for Light Beings who are preparing to live at the Higher Dimensions of Light Expression in the Matter Universe at the 9th and 11th Dimensions before becoming Pure Light.
在 「十三維度」之外, 便只有純粹的光的頻率. 所以地球現在已經在返家的半路上了. 在她回到高維度之後, 她會重新恢復她在 「(數個)世界聯合銀河聯邦」(The Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds)中的身份. 這是個大家不容易理解的概念 --- 那就是 「地球」同時存在 「現在」在 「所有維度」 中. 你是可以依照意願而在各維度中帶著你的 (幾個) 「聖靈體們」 (Avatar bodies) 旅行的. 你只需要記得怎麼做就行了. 你可以召喚你的 銀河天使\保護靈來指示你如何做. 並不難. 只需要你 「喜出望外」的喜悅來做. 「冥想打坐」 就是到達 那種 「覺知」 的方法!!! 「第七維度」 已經進展到了 「純粹的表達」 的 「真相\實相」當中. --- 這是為 在 「第九維度」和 「第十一維度」的物質宇宙的 「高維度光的表達」而做準備與學習的地方. --- 也為最後回歸純粹的光的維度而做準備.
In the 7th Dimension the need for money completely dissolves. The need for healing dissolves. There is a balancing between the dark and light Realms. It is a place of pure creativity and pure expression where Beings of Collective Consciousness learn together as One. It is like a Swarm of Starlings moving on the wind together in a Collective effort merely through Consciousness. We will spend the very next immediate moment with you in Earthʻs new Light Cities. We will link these with our great Light Ships - our Great Cities of Light - Niburu, the Dove, the New Jerusalem, the New Bethlehem, the Phoenix, the Surya, the Medusa and the Ships from Andromeda, Arcturus, Sirius, Alpha Centauri and other near Stars.
在 「第七維度」 --- 「錢」的需要已經完全不在了. 也不再需要 「療愈」 了! 「光的實相」 與 「黑的實相」 在此達到了一個平衡. --- 這是一個 「純粹創造」與 「純粹意圖表達」的地方 --- 在這裡所有的 「存有」們都學會了 「合一」 的 「集體覺知實相」. --- 就像成群的小星星們一起擁有共同的 「覺知」一起隨風流動. 我們將在地球上的新的 「光的城市」裡, 在最近的日期當中, 一起會面. 我們會把這些地球上的新的 「光的城市」與我們偉大的光的飛船們聯結在一起.
大银河中心总理 --- Lord Salvington20121228扬升讯息(上)" title="非常重要(上): 大銀河中心總理 --- Lord Salvington20121228揚升訊息(上)" height="308" width="346"> 大银河中心总理 --- Lord Salvington20121228扬升讯息(上)" title="非常重要(上): 大銀河中心總理 --- Lord Salvington20121228揚升訊息(上)" height="310" width="325">
我們偉大的光的飛船們 --- Niburu, the Dove, the New Jerusalem, the New Bethlehem, the Phoenix, the Surya, the Medusa 以及來自 Andromeda, Arcturus, Sirius, Alpha Centauri 和其它星球的飛船們 --- 也都是 「光的城市」.
In the immediate Now you will learn to travel in your Etheric Body as in a Shuttle Craft anywhere you like at will. You will do this and also stay on Earth to help with the integrations of Energy entering the Planet. As Sparks of Light from Source it is your Mission to Ground into to Earth the Higher Energies by holding your vibration here. We will land and live among you joining our Missionwith yours. We have entered the levels where Cosmic Consciousness integrates into your Beingness.
在最近的 「現在」 --- 你將學會用你的 「以太體」旅行到任何你想去的地方去, 就如同在地球的飛機中一樣. 你將可以做到這個, 而且仍然停留在地球上來協助整合進入地球的能量. 身為來自源頭的 「靈光」 --- 你的使命就是保持你自身的頻率而將高頻率的光固定在地球之上! 我們將會降落下來和你們一起生活, 與你們一起負擔這個工作. ---我們已經到達的階段是 --- 「宇宙覺知」已經開始與你的存在整合在一起了!!!
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