
Channeling: The Role of the Higher Self


KIRAEL: Today's topic is the role of the higher self in channeling. You all channel at some level of consciousness and the most likely
energy you channel is your higher self, because it's closest to your body. I distinguish your higher self from your lower self, or your Earth-bound self, which is just a figment of your imagination, the illusion you are acting out in this dimension.


Be in Truth


Your higher self is who you really are. You're only pretending to be a third-dimensional being, because you want to experience the yin and yang of everything-the back, the front, the up, the down, the in, the out--all the things you put up with to do this journey. Your higher self has no concept of the yin/yang journey, and it does not want to play in that arena. Yet it knows what you're doing here and what lessons you want to complete and it will offer guidance in those areas.

你的高自我是你真正所是。你只不過假裝是一個第三次元的存在,因為你想體驗一切事物的陰陽 面——後面、前面、向上、向下、裡面、外面——實踐此旅程時你所要忍受的一切。你的高我對陰陽的旅程沒有概念,而且也不希望在那個領域裡玩耍。然而,它知 道你在這裡做什麼以及你想要完成什麼課程,它會在那些方面提供指導。

In most instances, when you have a conversation in your mind, you are probably speaking with your higher self. To have a more focused conversation with your higher self, do the five-minute meditation me medium spoke of at another of these sessions. In that meditation, you go through the veils out into the cosmos, where you see thebeings of another planet, system, or dimension. After your meditation, 「automatic-write」 whatever comes up for you. Eventually, your higher self will come through and you will write what it says.

大多數情況下,當你在頭腦中有一個對話時,很可能是與高我交談。要與高我進行一個更有針對 性的談話,請做一下我的靈媒在另一個會議裡談到的5分鐘冥想。在那冥想中,你穿過帷幕進入宇宙,在那裡看到屬於另一個星球、系統或次元的生命。冥想之後, 「自動書寫」下出現的念頭,不管那是什麼。最終,你的高我會顯現而你會寫下它所說的話。

要跟你的高我進行溝通,你必須處在真實中。如果你問高我如何得到錢,它可能會問你:「為什麼不去找份工作並努力得到提升?」你不會想要聽到這些,因為你不 想為錢工作。你寧願去拉斯WEI加斯去贏錢。如果你告訴高我:「我打算去拉斯WEI加斯,」它會說:「去吧,我不在乎。我甚至不想聽,」也可能它說:「我 希望你能在拉斯wei加斯贏錢」,然後你去拉斯維加斯,花掉所有錢然後身無分文地回家。換句話說,當你問高我一些你已知道答案或者不涉及更高真相的問題 時,它停止回應。你的高我希望談論你所不知道的事。因此,當你問某個關於高我的問題時,它回應是:「另一天,另一個時間。我現在很忙,」你就知道你已經知 道了問題的答案。

Practice working with your higher self. You will be able to access information that would not otherwise be available to you. You can learn what money really is, how to get more of it and how to work with it. That way, you will have more money than you could possibly dream of. When you really know money, you will be prepared to get it, whether through a job or by some other means.



Your Higher Self and Your Journey


The higher self chooses what it wants to talk about. You say, 「Well, then, what do we have a higher self for?」 You have a higher self to help you do your journey in the highest light of truth. Your higher self is smarter than you and it only knows the truth, which, in this case, is love. You must give your higher self a reason to speak with you. If you give your higher self a reason to act on its own behalf, then you will get powerful answers. You will get to the meat of what your journey's about.

高我選擇它想要談論的話題。你說:「那麼好吧,我們要高我來幹什麼?」你擁有高我以幫助你進行在真實的最高光裡面的旅程。你的高我比你聰明,而且它只知道 真實,在這種情況下,即愛。你必須給高我一個跟你說話的理由。如果你給高我一個按自己名義行動的理由,那麼你將得到有力的回答。你將獲得你旅途的要旨。

Everyone has a journey to do in every area of life on this dimension. One of your journeys is to trust your higher self. Your higher self covers you like a blanket, and it knows all you need to know to do your journey in the highest light. It knows what your journey is all about. Have the courage to open up to and speak with your higher self. Ask it about a situation, listen for its truth, then automatic-write it, and do the journey of five or fifty.

每個人在此次元裡的生命的每一個領域裡都有一個旅程要進行。其中一個旅程就是信任你的高我。高我像毯子一樣覆蓋著你,它知道你需要知道的一切以在最高光中 進行你的旅程。它知道你的旅程是關於什麼。請勇於開放並和高我談話。就某情況諮詢它,傾聽它的真相,然後自動書寫,然後做那5或50的旅程。

Your higher self will not do the journey for you, but it will guide you on your journey. Most of you don't want to hear that you have to do the journey, because you don't want to work. Well, what do you think you're doing over here? You're working every minute of every day. You say, 「Well, what about when we sleep, Master Kirael?」 Well, you will still be working, because you don't have to sleep. Your third-dimensional body needs sleep. You work on your journey in the sleep state.

你的高我不會為你進行旅程,但它會沿途引導你。大部分人不想聽到你必須進行旅程,因為你不想工作。好吧,你認為你在這裡做什麼?每一天的每一分鐘你都在工 作著。你說:「那麼,我們睡覺的時候呢,齊瑞爾大師?」嗯,你仍然工作著,因為你不必睡覺。你的第三次元身體需要睡眠。你在睡眠狀態中進行你的旅程。

Channel your higher self, your higher being. It is a good energy to start with. You will know when you are hearing from your higher self, because you will get that far-off feeling and you will wonder, 「What is it really talking about? That doesn't make sense to me.」 Do the five or fifty and find out what it's talking about. Do whatever you have to do to bring the journey to completion.


Channel your higher self, your higher being. It is a good energy to start with. You will know when you are hearing from your higher self, because you will get that far-off feeling and you will wonder, 「What is it really talking about? That doesn't make sense to me.」 Do the five or fifty and find out what it's talking about. Do whatever you have to do to bring the

journey to completion.



From Fear to Love


Q: Would you expound on the journey from fear to love?


KIRAEL: The journey from fear to love is the most important part of any journey you do here on this plane of consciousness. When you were in your mommy's womb, you experienced love and everything was perfect. You loved every minute and every second of the day, but you had this program, or journey, that you had to play out in this dimension. So your first and greatest experience of fear was when you came through your mother's birthing channel, took your first breath and started the journey of being a human being. From that point on, you have been doing the journey from fear to love.

齊瑞爾:從恐懼到愛的旅程是你在此意識層面所做的任何旅程中最重要的部分。當你還在媽媽的子宮時,你體驗到完美的愛和一切事物。你喜歡每一天裡的每一分鐘 和每一秒,但是你有這個計劃,或者旅程,必須在這次元裡放出。所以,你的第一個和最大的恐懼經驗,是你通過母親的產道出來的時候,呼吸第一次呼吸並開始成 為人類的旅程。從那時起,你一直進行著從恐懼到愛的旅程。

You experience fear in your left brain, which remembers everything from the past and then projects it into the future. Whether you're two years old or two hundred years old, everything in your reality is seen and experienced through the left brain. When you get an idea to do something, you go to the left brain and check it out. The left brain might say, 「Don't do that, my goodness sakes, no, don't do that.」 Then, it will go into the future and make up a story, because the future doesn't actually exist.

你在左腦裡體驗到恐懼,它記得過去的一切並投射到將來。不管你是兩歲還是兩百歲,你實相裡的一切都是通過左腦而被看到和體驗到。當你得到一個想去做某事的 想法時,你去到左腦並核對它。左腦可能會說:「不要這樣做,看在上帝的面上,不,別這樣做。」然後,它會進入未來編造一個故事,因為未來實際上並不存在。

Use your meditations to find out what you want and how to achieve it. When you were just one day old, you meditated. Yes, you meditated when you were a baby. That's why babies sleep so much. Sleep is a safe space for them to meditate. They sleep all day long, because they understand this journey of meditation. At two days old, you asked, 「Why have I done this to myself?」 Your higher self provided you with an answer. It might have said, 「You came here because you never figured out how to do anything with money. So you will struggle for as long as you want to struggle.」 At two days old, you're hearing all these things from your higher self, and you ask, 「I have to struggle with money?」 「That's right. You will struggle with money.」 So then you reach forty years old and you're still trying to figure out what to do with money. You may be well into your fifties before you understand money, and you will have learned that the secret was in the journey, in the five or fifty. The journey is always the focus.

利用你的靜心找出你想要的事物以及如何得到它的方法。當你只有一天大的時候,你靜心。是的,當你還是個嬰兒時就靜心了。那就是嬰兒要睡那麼多的原因。睡眠 對他們來說是一個安全的靜心空間。他們睡了一整天,因為他們理解這個靜心之旅。在兩天大的時候,你問:「我為什麼要對自己這樣做?」你的高我為你提供一個 答案。它可能說:「你來到這裡是因為你從來都沒搞清楚與金錢相關的一切。所以你一直會掙紮下去」。兩天大的時候,你正聽著這一切來自高我的信息,你問: 「我得跟金錢掙扎?」「是的。你將為錢掙扎。」於是當你40歲時,仍然試著搞清楚何處理金錢。你可能在瞭解金錢之前就已經邁入50歲,而你會瞭解到秘密是 在旅途中,在5或50的旅程中。旅程始終是焦點。(「5或50」是齊瑞爾大師的說法,即「踏上旅程,無論它需要多長時間」。)


As you grow older and older, you experience more and more fear, and you forget how to meditate. You don't have to learn how to meditate. You already know how to meditate. You just have to remember how to do it. So practice meditating, and eventually, you will be meditating at every opportunity. During your meditation, you will get an answer and then you must do the journey. The journey will always be about moving from fear to love, and once you get to love, you will find truth, because love is truth and truth is love.

隨著年紀越來越大,你體驗到越來越多的恐懼,而且忘記了如何靜心。你不必學習如何靜心。你早已知道。只不過要記起來如何靜心。因此請練習靜心,最終,你會 在每一個機會裡靜心。在靜心裡,你會得到一個答案,然後你踏上旅程。旅程永遠是關於從恐懼走向愛,一旦你到達愛,你便會發現真實,因為真實即愛而愛即真 實。

When you no longer experience fear, you won't buy it from anyone anymore. If someone comes from behind you and says,
「Boo,」 you will turn around, face that person, and say, 「I'm not taking any more boos. I'm in truth.」 You will live from your heart and you will know that nothing outside of you can harm you. You will be in love. That's the journey.


The Channeling Journey


Q: What is the maximum level of truth that can be given to a channel?


KIRAEL: Seven levels of truth, or consciousness, exist in everything in this dimension, and everything has four levels. Within each of those levels, seven levels of truth/consciousness exist. So you are dealing with seven times four, or twenty-eight levels. Two and eight are ten, which is a one, and in my Lemurian numerology, that's the God Light, the highest level of truth. For example, spiritual alchemy has four levels of mastery: black, white, red and gold. Within each of those levels of color are seven other levels of color, each representing a different truth, or a different consciousness.

齊瑞爾:真相的7個等級,或意識水平,存在於此次元裡的萬物裡,而一切都有4個級別。在那4個級別的每一級中,都存在著真相/意識的7個層次。所以你正在 處理的7乘以4,即28個級別。2和8是10,這是一個1,在我的利穆里亞數字命理裡,那是上帝的光,真相的最高水平。例如,靈性煉金術有掌握的4個層 次:黑色、白色、紅色和金色。每一個色彩內對應著7種層次,分別代表不同的真相或不同的意識。

With respect to channeling, when you reach the level of truth for what I call 3 mediumship, this third-dimensional journey will disappear and the medium part of you will overshadow what your human body understands. At this level, you will be dealing with all four bodies, and within each of those four bodies, you will experience seven levels of truth. Again, seven times four is twenty-eight, and again, that's the God Light. You will bring through the highest level of information.

關於傳導,當你達到我所說的3——這個真相層次時,即靈媒,此第三次元的旅程將消失,而你 的靈媒部分將遮蔽你人體能理解的事物。在此層次裡,你將處理所有四體,而在那四體的每一體中,你將體驗到真相的7種級別。再次,7乘以4是28,再一次, 那是上帝的光。你將帶來最高級別的信息。

Q: How will I know that the information I receive is from my higher self?


KIRAEL: Learn to separate the third-dimensional part of you from your higher consciousness. The third-dimensional part of you is just occupying space here. The higher self comes with a host of angels, with Elven, guides and guardians, all part of a different reality. When you first channel, you will likely connect to the higher self, because, as I said earlier, it's the closest to your body. Your higher self is there to protect your human self as best it can. If you are aware of when your higher self is in charge of you, and you ask the right question of it, you will get the right answer. If you get a comment such as, 「Why are you bothering me with this stuff? Go do your journey,」 you will know that you had the answer all along.

齊瑞爾:請學習從你更高的意識中分離你的第三次元部分。你的第三次元部分只不過佔據著這裡的空間。高我伴隨著一隊天使、精靈和指導靈,所有不同實相的一部 分。當你第一次通靈時,你很有可能連接到高我,因為正如我剛才所說,它最接近你的身體。你的高我在儘可能地保護你的人類自我。如果你得知你的高我在照顧 你,而且你向它提出合適的問題,你就會得到正確的答案。如果你得到以下的評論,如:「你為什麼用這東西來打擾我?請繼續你的旅程,」你就會知道你一直都有 答案。


KIRAEL: Learn to separate the third-dimensional part of you from your higher consciousness. The third-dimensional part of you is just occupying space here. The higher self comes with a host of angels, with Elven, guides and guardians, all part of a different reality. When you first channel, you will likely connect to the higher self, because, as I said earlier, it's the closest to your body. Your higher self is there to protect your human self as best it can. If you are aware of when your higher self is in charge of you, and you ask the right question of it, you will get the right answer. If you get a comment such as, 「Why are you bothering me with this stuff? Go do your journey,」 you will know that you had the answer all along.

齊瑞爾:請學習從你更高的意識中分離你的第三次元部分。你的第三次元部分只不過佔據著這裡的空間。高我伴隨著一隊天使、精靈和指導靈,所有不同實相的一部 分。當你第一次通靈時,你很有可能連接到高我,因為正如我剛才所說,它最接近你的身體。你的高我在儘可能地保護你的人類自我。如果你得知你的高我在照顧 你,而且你向它提出合適的問題,你就會得到正確的答案。如果你得到以下的評論,如:「你為什麼用這東西來打擾我?請繼續你的旅程,」你就會知道你一直都有 答案。

The higher self only wants to answer what you don't remember or understand. So, if you get an answer that you don't understand, it's probably from your higher self. Don't ignore the answer because you don't understand it. Instead, do the five or fifty and find out what the answer means. You don't know a lot. You don't know the difference between love and fear, but you know you can learn the difference by speaking with your higher self.



Q: Would you expound on how to trust that we are communicating with the higher self in this journey of channeling?


KIRAEL: How do you learn to trust that it's the higher self? It is important to know when the information is good. So, be aware that the left brain is not involved in the higher self's journey. You'll know it's not the higher self, if you hear a lot about your history and the possibilities of the future, or if the energy makes up a story for you. In that case, it will be your left brain and your ego telling you a lie.

齊瑞爾:你如何學會信任那是高我?當資料是好的時候,很重要的要知道它來自高我。因此,一定要注意左腦沒有涉及進此高我的旅程中。如果你聽到許多關於你的 歷史和未來的可能性,或者如果能量為你編造了一個故事時,你知道那不是高我。在那種情況下,那是你的左腦和你的小我正在撒謊。

Your higher self is connected to your right brain, or the right hemisphere of your brain. You will know when you've entered into the right brain, because you will get a little bubbly feeling in your chest, or you will get goose bumps. If you feel that little spark of light that is your higher self, the information you bring forth will come from your heart, the green light of love. That means you have gone above and beyond what you know, beyond your third-dimensional process, and you will be so proud of yourself. That feeling is your truth coming up to the surface of your being. Trust it. Your right brain is much smarter than your left brain. Your right brain knows everything. Some say it's 「La La,」 or crazy, because it wants you to walk on water or fly. That's not crazy. Your right brain knows you can fly and walk on water.

你的高我連接到右腦,你的大腦右半球。當你進入右腦時會知道這點,因為你在胸部有點沸騰的感覺,或者會起雞皮疙瘩。如果你感受到高我的那一小點光,那麼你 帶出的信息將來自你的心,愛的綠光。那意味著你已超出你所知道的,超出你第三次元的過程,你將對自己感到如此驕傲。那種感覺是你的真相浮現到你存在的表 面。請信任它。你的右腦比左腦聰明得多。右腦知道一切。有人說它是「唉呀」或者瘋狂,因為它要你在水上行走或飛行。那不是瘋了。右腦知道你能夠飛行和在水 上行走。


Consciously practice going from the left brain into the right brain. I say consciously, because you can see the transfer of information happen in your mind's eye. The brain has a pathway down the middle, separating the left and right hemispheres, and you can see the information being transferred over that pathway from the left to the right side.


Trust the higher self by being aware of it. Then press it to enter into your journey. Let's practice this now. Share a thought with me. Hold it in your left brain for just a second and then see it transfer into the right brain. If you felt something uncertain, it's because the right brain doesn't have the ability to calculate that the left brain has. The right brain is not a third-dimensional processor. It processes on a fourth-dimensional level and beyond.


So you'll transfer information and recognize the journey that you wanted, because you will feel good. You will feel cuddly and warm and the next thought that comes up in your left brain will be, 「Okay, you're the channel now. Channel it, channel it now,」 and you will channel into your right brain. The first thing you will hear is, 「What are you doing? Get back over to the left brain. I don't know what you're doing over here with me.」 That'll be your higher self talking to you. Let your higher self know that you are there consciously. Then ask your question and be aware of the answer when it comes. Connecting the left brain to the right brain is the biggest part of your journey, because you will have to learn to work with the left brain while staying in the right brain. You'll probably want to write out what you hear the first couple of times because it will be too powerful for you remember otherwise.

那麼,你將可以傳輸信息並認出你想要的旅程,因為你會感覺很好。你會覺得被人擁抱和溫暖,而你左腦裡接下來的想法是:「好吧,你現在在通靈了。通靈吧,通 靈吧,現在就通靈,」而你將在右腦裡通靈。你聽到第一件事是:「你在做什麼?回到左腦。我不知道你在這裡跟我做什麼。」那將是你的高我在跟你說話。讓高我 知道你是有意識地。然後提出問題,當答案來臨時請知曉它。連接左腦和右腦是你旅程的最大一部分,因為你必須學會呆在右腦的同時與左腦工作。你很可能在開始 幾次時想寫下聽到的東西,否則的話它對你來說太強大了難以記住。

Higher Energies and Mediumship



Q: I see pages of information scrolled before my eyes each morning upon waking. When I get this type of information overload, how do I process the information completely, or should I trust that my higher self will bring the information forward at the right time?



KIRAEL: When you enter the right brain to speak with the higher self, the higher self is so thrilled that you're listening to it that it may send more information than you can handle. The higher self is a genius; it is the genie in your right brain. If the information is coming in too fast for you or if you can't understand it and you feel lost, you can always ask the higher self to back up a little. Simply say, 「I need to understand what you're saying. Back it up just a little bit.」 Your higher self will back it up until the information is at a level you can understand. The higher self will slow down as much as you need it to, even until it is right near the third dimension, if that's where you want to be.

齊瑞爾:當你進入右腦對高我交談時,高我是如此激動地知道你正聆聽它,它可能會發送比你能夠處理的更多的資料。高我是一個天才,它是在你右腦裡的天才。如 果信息對你來說進來得太快,或者如果你不明白和感到迷惑,你總是可以要求高我倒退一點。簡單地說:「我需要瞭解你所說的。請只是倒退一點點。」你的高我會 倒退,直到信息到達一個你可以理解的層次。高自會按你需要地放慢,甚至退到第三次元旁邊,如果那是你所想要的地方的話。

Your higher self is often speaking to you, but because you are in your left brain, you're not usually listening. You higher self will ask,
「Why aren't you listening to me?」 If you practice transferring the information from the left to the front right hemisphere of your brain, your higher self will suddenly see the transfer of energy and it will join the party, so to speak.



Q: Is an energy other than my higher self available for me to channel now?



KIRAEL: You already know the answer, because you've asked me this question. You have a couple of beautiful level seven and level six angels and one level eight angel. A level eight angel is a cherub, a throne angel. Angels are all around you. That tells me two things. First of all, you're an angel. You have been an angel for a very long time, but you came into this Earth plane to discover things like relationships and money and all the other fun things that are experienced over here. All the angels around you want to speak with you.

齊瑞爾:你早已經知道答案,因為你向我提出這個問題。你擁有幾個美麗的7級和6級的天使和一個8級天使。一個8級天使是天使中的第二級,天使之王。天使們 都圍繞著你。那告訴了我兩件事。首先,你是一個天使。你有很長的時間是天使,但你來到這個地球層面去發掘類似人際關係和金錢以及所有其它一切有趣的事,這 些都是在這裡體驗到的。你周圍的所有天使都想和你交談。


Ask your higher self to help you connect with your angels and make sure you specify that you want to speak with the angels one at a time. You'll have to automatic-write what you hear. In your case, your angels will ask you why you are not doing more along the lines of being a medium. That's because an archangel, who is with you, has chosen you to be its medium. You've been this archangel before. It's one of the big ones and it is feminine. I can't tell you which one it is, because you have to figure that out yourself. It wants to come into this journey and talk to the people of this Earth dimension about the Shift. This archangel knows as much about the Shift as I do, and that's a lot. People are hungry for this information and you can give it to them. Pretty soon you will go into the fourth light, where you will take a leadership role. The information you receive from this archangel will be beneficial to you.

請求你的高我協助你連接天使,並確保你指定一次只跟一位天使交談。你得必須自動寫下你聽到的。在你的情況裡,你的天使會問你為什麼沒有去做成為靈媒所應該 做的事。那是因為一位伴隨著你的大天使,選擇你成為它的靈媒。你以前曾是這位大天使。它是眾多大天使之一而且是位女性。我不能告訴你是哪位,因為你必須自 己搞清楚這點。它想降臨到這個旅程,向地球次元的人們談論此大轉變。關於大轉變,這個大天使跟我知道的一樣多,那是很多了。人們渴望此信息,而你可以把信 息獻給他們。很快你將進入第四光,在那裡你將承擔起領導角色。你從這位大天使所接收到的信息將有利於你。

Q: What's the best way for me to get to mediumship?


KIRAEL: You already are a medium, but not in this lifetime. You were a medium in other lifetimes. You've always been a medium and now it's time to awaken to that energy again. If you don't, as the 「three days of darkness」 comes upon you,2 you'll go through the Shift wondering what happened and you'll spend about three or four years in the new shifting energy trying to get your mediumship on track.


Start now by going through the channeling process. You have a certain element of truth inside your system now. It's a very strong truth, but every now and then, we see you doing something that you know isn't right. Clean it up and get ready for this journey. You can start by channeling your higher self into this dimension, and then moving into mediumship. You were a medium prior to this lifetime and you'll be a medium after this lifetime. If you get into this mediumship journey now, if you actually wake up as a medium before the Great Shift, it will be perfect. Why wait? Do it now.

從現在就開始,經歷通靈的過程。現在你的系統內有某些真實的元素。它是一個非常強大的真實,可是不時地,我們發現你做一些你知道是不應該的事。清除它它並 為這次旅程作準備。你可以通過通靈你的高我進入此次元而開始,然後成為靈媒。你在此生之前是一位靈媒,而且在此生之後也是一位靈媒。如果你現在就進入這個 靈媒之旅,如果你在大轉變之前真的作為靈媒醒來,這將是完美的。還等什麼?現在就去做。

Q: About six months ago, while I was asleep, my body suddenly vibrated heavily and I woke up. The vibrating stopped and a couple of minutes later it started again. Could you shed some light on what that might have been?


KIRAEL: That night six months ago, you were able to see yourself and you got stuck on that vibration, that pattern. The physical vibration you felt was actually you coming apart and getting out of the body process. In other words, your body vibrated because you were outside the body trying to see your human self and your God light at the same time. Your senses were aware of what you were doing. The next time you leave your body, look back at it, and then, when you return to it, look at what you were looking at outside the body. You will be looking at your higher self. That is everything that you'd ever want to be a part of.

齊瑞爾:那6個月前,你能夠看到你自己而你卡在那振動、那模式裡。你所感受到的物理振動實際上是你正分開並離開你的身體過程。換句話說,你的身體振動是因 為你在身體之外,試圖在同一時間觀察你的人類自我和你的神光。你的感官知道你在做什麼。下一次當你出體時,回顧它,然後,當你返回時,看看你在身體外面所 看到的部分。你將看著你的高我。那就是你一直以來希望成為其中一部分的一切。

Preparing for the Shift


Q: What is abundance and how does it fit into channeling?


KIRAEL: Abundance is truth. To acquire abundance of any type, you must be intent on staying in truth. Someone just said, 「I can't spend abundance, Master Kirael.」 Yes, you can. You are abundant by nature and you can use that nature to get whatever you need, including money.


As a channel or a medium, your abundance lies in your willingness to offer your gift to We the People. Don't channel for the money it can bring you. Do it because you have something to share with people, perhaps a truth that will enhance their journey. People will give you some of their hard-earned money for sharing that truth with them. The money flows from your willingness to share your gift.


Q: What role does money play in scientific discovery? What's the best way to gather scientific information in the shifting energy?


KIRAEL: As a scientist, you must have money to sustain your journey. Yet the focus of your energy is better served on the spiritual alchemy side of the journey. Spiritual alchemy involves letting more light into your journey and doing the five or fifty as you move from fear to love. The scientist in the Shift will work to make a scientific discovery because he wants to benefit humankind, not because he wants to make a million dollars. Let's say you're working with the photon energy to replace gasoline in a car. You might think, 「Okay, if I can get this journey done, I'll have a substitute for gas that I can sell to everybody. I'll make all the money in the world.」 That's probably the first thing you will have to get real about. Be aware of where your focus is. In science, your focus should be on what you need to know to improve the lives of your fellow human beings. That in itself is abundance. The monetary abundance that comes from a new discovery is the icing on the cake.

齊瑞爾:作為一個科學家,你必須有錢以維持你的旅程。然而,你的能量重點最好是服務於此旅程的靈性煉金術一面。靈性煉金術包括讓你的旅程有更多光,並且隨 著你從恐懼到愛做那5或50的旅程。在大轉變中的科學家之所以作出科學發現,因為他想造福人類,而不是因為他想要有百萬美元。比方說,你正努力於在光子能 量上工作,以取代汽車裡的汽油。你可能會想:「好吧,如果我能完成這個旅程,我將有替代汽油的東西以銷售給每一個人。我將賺到全世界的錢。」那很可能是你 第一件需要真正瞭解的事。請觀照你的焦點在哪裡。在科學中,你的重點應該是改善你的人類同胞生活所需要知道的事。那本身就是富裕。從一個新發明而來的大量 金錢則是錦上添花。


Where will you get the information you seek? Open your love and enter into a meditation journey. If you want scientific information for the Shift, you must go outside of this realm, this third dimension, to get your guidance. This dimension is done. It's coming to a close. Pretty soon you will enter into the fourth light, but until then, you must use your meditation, channeling or mediumship skills to get reliable information about your journey. When you contact your guidance, you can do automatic writing, channeling or mediumship.

你會在哪裡獲得你所尋找的信息?開放你的愛並進入靜心的旅程。如果你想要大轉變的科學信息,你必須離開這一領域、此第三次元,去接觸你的指導靈。這個次元 已經結束。它正接近尾聲。很快你將進入第四光,但在那之前,你必須使用你的靜心、傳導或通靈的技能,以獲得有關你旅程的可靠信息。當你聯絡你的指導靈時, 你可以自動書作、傳導或通靈

How many people meditate every day, two or three times a day? Not many. Whatever you wish to accomplish, meditation is one way to find the true focus of your journey. When you reach your higher self through meditation, it can tell you what you are to do. After that, you must trust your higher self and do the journey. You know the answer before you ask a question. However, sometimes you must get out of this body to get the answer. That's when you ask your higher self for its guidance.

有多少人每天、一天兩三次地靜心?沒有很多。無論你想成就什麼,靜心是找到旅程真正焦點的方法之一。當你通過靜心接觸高我時,它可以告訴你你要做什麼。之 後,你必須信任高我並踏上旅程。在提出問題之前你就知道答案。然而,有時你一定要離開身體以獲得答案。那就是你請求高我指導的時候。

You are not limited to communicating with your higher self. It is just the easiest energy to reach, because of its closeness to your body. You can also speak with angels, guides or guardians. Tell them what you want to do and why. If your reasons for contacting guidance are of the highest light, they will go to work with you immediately and feed information into you a little at a time. You will be so powerful and you'll have all your answers.


Q: If everyone were a channel, who would listen?



KIRAEL: If everyone were a channel or a medium, there'd be nobody listening, because everyone would know everything before it was said. You also wouldn't be in the third dimension. You'd be back into the God Creator's world, waiting for something else to do. In this dimension, certain people will always be unwilling to channel, but they will be conscious enough to understand that you are a channel. As long as some people are less informed but willing to learn, they will listen to your channeling.

齊瑞爾:如果每個人都是一個信道或靈媒,沒有人會聽,因為每個人在每件事情被說出來之前就知道了。而且你也不會在第三次元。你將回到神造物主的世界去,等 著做別的事。在此次元,總是有一些人不願意傳導,但他們足夠自覺地理解到你是一個信道。只要有些人不太瞭解卻又願意學習,就會有人聽你傳導。


You have physical bodies in this dimension and those bodies are at a certain level of consciousness. As a channel or a medium, you can go to the fifth, sixth, seventh dimension and beyond. If you go outside and ask the average person what a channel is, he or she won't know. The person might even think you're talking about a television channel. Most people will just say, 「What are you talking about? Have you lost your mind?」 They are still fairly well veiled. You are less veiled, so I can speak to you about this.

你在這次元有各體,這些機體都在一定的意識水平。作為一個信道或靈媒,你可以進入第五、第六、第七及之上的次元。如果你去到外面,詢問一般人傳導是什麼, 他或她會不知道。有人甚至會認為你在說一個電視頻道。多數人只會說:「你在說什麼?你精神錯亂嗎?」他們仍然相當多地蒙著面紗。你被蒙得少點,所以我可以 跟你談這個問題。

It is important that the channels and mediums reach the young souls of this world. You see young souls on the news, robbing, cheating and killing people. The young souls don't know how to get through their fear, which is energized into this journey at the moment. The information you can share through channeling and mediumship will help the young souls get through their fear.



Closing Statement


If you want to channel, go outside of this journey to the light above you. The information you seek will be in your thought systems. Go to the higher self and ask it a question that it will get excited about. It will tell you what your life journey is all about.


Remember, seven layers of truth exist in this dimension. That means this recorded session has seven layers. Be channels, be mediums and be privy to all seven layers of truth. You can help transform this world with the information that is available to you as channels or mediums. Practice meditation and do the five or fifty. You'll soon be on your way to conversing with your higher self, and you can go anywhere from there.


Master Kirael makes a distinction between channels and mediums. He says that channels are conscious conduits for the energy they bring through. Mediums, on the other hand, leave their consciousness aside and allow a spirit being to use the physical body to communicate with the human world.




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