


Children Born With Advanced DNA

Drunvalo: Well, I've known about this for over two years and I have personally followed this path and I think I've moved into what they are doing. I have gone into the merkabah and asked my subconscious mind to change my codons in the same way and ever since I began to do this over two years ago, I haven't been able to get sick. I don't know if I've been able to change them or not. I guess the only way I'd know is with a DNA test.

Drunvalo:我知道這件事已經超過兩年了. ---我也全身參與了這條路---我覺得我根本就已經全身心投入了他們做的事.(變成他們一份子了)我也進入了我的梅卡巴,我也要求我的潛意識用同樣方式來改變我DNA的核酸---自兩年前那時開始我就不再生過病,我不知道我有成功的改變了我的DNA的核酸沒有. ---唯一方法我想也須去做個DNA檢驗才會知道了.

However, Iv'e been exposed to all kinds of things and when someone gets sick I purposely get close to them and try to get it. I've been trying to get sick and I can't feel something come on it will last maybe an hour and then it's gone. What is interesting is that hardly any of this new DNA is found in the Super Psychic Children ofChina almost zero. It is, however, being found in Russia and the U.S. There seems to be pockets of it and if what we are thinking is right it has to do with a very specific response which is where most people in the New Age are headed for.
無論如何,我也一直都曝露在各種疾病當中,每次有人生病我會故意靠過去想被傳染.我試著生病一段時間了---但是完全沒有感染的感覺. ---有時在一小時內有種生病感,可是又接著消失了.---不過有趣的是---中國那些非常有心電感應的兒童身上卻沒有找到有這種新DNA. ---答案几乎是零.可是在蘇俄與美國都有找到.好像社會上有一小圈人口是這種新人類---而這與一種非常特別的人格特質\反應有關! ---假如我們的判斷是正確的話. ---而這些做人做事的態度習慣觀念與所謂新世紀」人(New Age)所走的方向是有關的!!!

(RL:中國人家族主義,小圈圈主義,搞小團體,小鼻子小眼睛小心眼,沒有大同世界\四海皆兄弟的壞習慣該改了!上帝可不是瞎子! ---否則中國人想長命百歲甚至長生不死恐怕很困難! )

Diane: Do you think these people are creating the DNA changes

Drunvalo: I think someone has made the path one child did it
somewhere. Then he put it into the grids and it is now in the subconscious of the earth and is accessible to anyone. Once that happened I think somehow or another other people have connected to this on a subconscious level in deep meditation and prayer and made the change. A new race is being born and it is one of the most remarkable phenomenon that has happened on the planet! It's incredible that no one seems to know about this until now!

然後他把這個磁波放入了地球能量柵欄.---所以這能量現在在地球的潛意識裡,而且任何人都可以連上線. ---一旦連上了線---不知怎的,別人也可以在深度冥想或祈禱當中用潛意識去連上線---而達到了(DNA)改變.一個新的人種確實已經出生了!而這是現代地球最石破天驚的現象!---更誇張的是---竟然沒有人知道這回事---直到現在!!!

Diane: Well, you are the only one I've ever heard speak about this.

Diane: Well,我也只有聽你說過這回事而已!

Drunvalo: Well, I've been tracking this for about 2 years and I've waited to say anything because I wanted to make sure it was real. In the book called The Indigo Children there has been extensive research on these children. There are websites you can go to if you're a parent where they begin to interview you about exactly what's going on with your child. Like I said earlier, these kids know exactly what you're feeling and what you're thinking


. You can't hide anything from them. It's really amazing! I see it as a phenomenon like the ETs except they aren't coming here in spaceship formthey are coming here in spirit form making it personal by coming into the earth's evolutionary cycle and joining with us. I've often thought that when spirits come in on the right side of the planetJapan, China, and Tibet for instance, the incarnating being takes on the psychic characteristics (of those people), and if they come in on the western sidethe logical side (i.e., physical characteristics)then the DNA comes in changed. But that's just speculation on my part. I'm just looking at this and trying to understand what is occurring. At the workshops I'm going to do, I'm going to bring everything I've learned together and teach people to actually access this and make the change. I think I knowor I'm very close.

你無法隱瞞他們事情.真的很神奇!我對這些現象把它認為是外星人現象, ---只是他們不是坐著飛碟來的而已!他們是以靈魂』狀態進入地球人身進入地球的進化週期之中,然後參與我們的進化發展.---我常常在想---如果靈魂』從右邊進入地球(如日本,中國,西藏 ---那這轉世是以精神」層面呈現,而如果祂們從西方進來---這個邏輯世界」 ---那身體的DNA就改變了. ---但這只是我個人的猜想. ---我只是想理解所發生的事情.在我要開辦的工作坊,我要把我學到的所有事,教給人們實際上去做到改變的方法.我猜我已經知道了! ---至少我很接近這個真理了!

Diane: And that has to do with putting yourself in a certain state of consciousness?

Drunvalo: Yes, a very specific state of consciousness produces a change in your DNAand I think it's just the beginning of much more than that. The fact that it could be the end of disease is just a tiny bit of the total picture.
Drunvalo:是的!必須是一種非常特定的覺知程序」才能製造出你DNA的改變! ---而且我覺得---只是開頭而已!應該還有很多細節! ---而它(這覺知)可以結束疾病的事實---只是這整個效果畫面---非常小的一部份效果而已!!!

Diane: How would this particular kind of work and discovery affect the DNA activation work that seems to be popping up all over?


Drunvalo: Well, if you know your light body and you know how psychic energy works and if you understand the connection of the subconscious to all life on this planet, then you can go in and ask your subconscious. Your subconscious knows exactly which codons those kids have changed and if you ask for those things to happen through your light body and in the presence of God, it should occur. [/b]It also requires dropping polarityno longer thinking in terms of good or bad but seeing the wholeness and completion and perfection of life.

Drunvalo:如果你瞭解你的光體』,而且如果你知道心理能量如何產生,而且如果你瞭解潛意識』與地球上萬事萬物的連接, ---那你就可以進入你的潛意識並要求它改變了!---你的『潛意識』完全知道是那些DNA核酸被那些孩子們所改變了---而如果你在上帝面前,透過你的光體,要求那些改變發生的話---它會發生!!!---可是當然---記得你必須拋棄你二元性』思考模式, ---再也不用是與非』(黑與白)來看待事情---而是看事態整體(本質)如何完善?生命整體完美的本然」 !!!

It is a very definite mind, emotional and body response. The body response is the one where your body simply does not acknowledge good or bad but sees that there is a higher purpose behind it all. We all know this stuffeveryone from Jesus toKrishnato Sai Baba has been talking about this for a long time, but this is the first I'm aware of where something actually is changing in the outer environment. People's DNA is really changing. There have been many of us who have talked about thisbut none of this had been seen by science. Now it has been seen, and it has been documented.
這是一種非常確鑿的心智,情緒以及身體反應!!!---身體反應』而言---你的身體就是不會再對好或壞起反應!!! ---而只是看到所有事的發生背後都有一個目的與原因!!! ---我們都懂這些東西---從耶穌基督到印度KrishnaSai Baba都對這道理做了很長時間的指導!!! ---但這是第一次我明白---有一些東西真真實實的改變了我們外在的世界. ---人們的DNA是真真實實的在改變當中. ---我們許多人都在談論這些事情---可是從沒有科學左證過! ---現在科學』也看到了!也做記錄\記載了!!!


Diane: So, if that's the case, then what significance does that have on our lives today?


Drunvalo: I believe that all of us have the choice to follow this particular pattern that the children have set up or not. It is said that the children will lead the way. If we wish to and we trust these children, as I do, one of the side effects is the immunity to disease.

Drunvalo:我相信我們任何人都可以選擇跟隨這種特別的模式的人生---不管是不是那些孩子們所設置的. ---神說過: 孩子們會引領這條路!如果我們願意,我們信任這些孩子們,就像我一樣---那第一個我們會得到的副作用」 ---就是對疾病百毒不侵的免疫力!!!

Diane: There are a lot of us who are choosing immortality. However, some people would say that to be immune to disease is also to upset the life/death cycle which has supposedly helped to keep the planet in balance. How would you answer that?
Diane:很多人都希望永生.但也有一些人會說--- 永生」妨礙了


Drunvalo: Well, I just don't judge it. This is happening and if it is going to upset the cycle and it probably will in some wayeverything that is occurring in life has a reason and purpose for it. Perhaps these people who don't get sick anymore perhaps they won't even die anymore and maybe their consciousness is so aligned with the original purpose of earth that ultimately it would mean an earth that is whole and complete and not one that is polluted and deadly and overtaxed. We could easily live with 6 billion people or 20 billionifwe live differently.


There is plenty of space, and it's just that we are using our resources in ways that are killing the planet. If we were to choose to live in different ways, that might change. Maybe through these people the answers might become apparent. For someone to move into a state where they are immune to disease is a very powerful indication that they are definitely in harmony with life somehow. We can equate this process with the mutation of bacteria and viruses. We attack their systems with pollutants such as penicillin for instance, and it kills them all except for a few. Those few get stronger. Now what's happening is that these bacteria are getting to the place where they are immune to the poisons we are giving them. And have we not done the same thing?
地球還有很多空間. ---只是我們使用能源的方式是在謀殺地球罷了!如果我們改變我們的生活方式---這些事可能會改變. ---也許透過這些(覺知不同的)人們---所有(做事情的方法的正確)答案可能會很清楚明顯. ---因為當一個人能夠進入\生活在百毒不侵的免疫狀況---這是非常強有力的證據說明了---他們不知怎的,絕對是生活在---與生命完全的合諧之中!!!---我們也可以把這現象與細菌和病毒的突變進化做比較!這些人變得更強壯了!所以現在發生的事---就是這些細菌進化到一種我們的毒殺不了它們的境界!!! (在醫學界)我們幹的不就是這些事?

We are mutating to a point where we are not affected by pollution or viruses or by disease. And you know, there is another thing that happened last year AIDS dropped something like 47% the largest drop of a single disease in the history of the world. I believe that it had a lot to do with this very thing we are talking about.

我們人類已經突變到一種污染或病毒或疾病傷不了我們的境界!!!就如同你已經知道的---去年發生了一件事--- AIDS艾滋病減少了47% 有史以來最大降幅!我猜這件事與我們現在談到的事很有關係!

Diane: That's exciting!


Drunvalo: Yes, it is. I just let the earth prompt me where to go. Of course, it is important to know our light bodies and how to use them, but the children are very carefully sayingcome this wayand see where this leads.

Drunvalo:是的,確實!我只是單純自然的讓地球來告訴我---我該往那裡去.---瞭解我們的光體」以及如何去使用它們」是非常重要的事!!!---但孩子們小心翼翼的說著這句話--- 過來這邊! --- 看看這條路會帶我們到那裡去?



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