This is taking a while to transcribe. So rather than require you to wait forever, I'll post this transcript in parts.
Archangel Michael frequently says some very nice things that I regularly edit out of these transcripts. But doing so makes the transcript sound more clipped at some points than it would otherwise. But leaving them in makes it sound self-serving. So I settle for sounding clipped.
There are confidential matters discussed that I cannot record publicly. These have been left out. But I've tried to leave in as much as I possibly could.
In the next part, AAM discusses how Ascension is a process that started in Dec. 2011 and is at its midpoint now. It will continue for a period of time after this. And it continues because many people are just a stone's throw away from ascending and can join us if we hold the doorway open for a short period of time. Anybody opposed to that? Not me, certainly.
We have not yet had the really impactful unfoldment that he's talked about in the past, he says in Part 2, but the energies are now hitting us in full force and we're expanding daily.
This is a mostly-unedited conversation between a lightworker and an archangel. You get to hear exactly what was discussed. No, I was not planted in a fiery lake of brimstone for assailing him, as you can see. He is a gentle master (to me he is my master, not to you perhaps – and that's OK).
[Opening prayer and catalog of names and functions deleted.]
Archangel Michael: I'm asking you, no, not as public figure, but as brother and as friend, before we even begin, to come and to sit with me in the sacred union … to relinquish and to give to me any concern, dismay, despair, anything that is not of wholeness. I come this day fully prepared, my friend, to speak to you and to answer your queries.
You say, Lord, where is the Ascension, and yes, we know, you and many have been led into this date, this human time, but also this conjunction of time and space and realities, and what I also say to you, dear heart, is that you are in the middle of your Ascension process, and each person is experiencing it uniquely, differently, and yet the collective is also choosing to go forward together.
Can we lift you up as one immediately? Well, no, because that would interfere with freewill. But we will cover all of these questions.
But let me first speak to the question of your heart. And it is a question of: Is this real?
It is a fair question for really what do you have? A discarnate voice speaking over some electrical telecommunications device. So I understand your concern. And I understand particularly your concern about the veracity, because nothing pectacular and nothing foretold has come to pass.
But long before you have even spoken to this channel … shall I say eons before … I have reached out to you as you have reached out to me because you are the warrior, the communicator, the builder of truth, of compassion, and a shower of the way.
And we have worked together on this creation of the New World, of Nova Earth, of nova being, pointing the way, not only to what is possible, for everything is possible, but to what is almost inevitable, not because fate demands it or destiny requires. But because it is the journey that the souls above and below and the Divine Mother has planned for eons.
That still does not speak to the heart of the question, to the heart of your question and your plea, and that is for me to show you what is real and what is not and to have this demonstrated to you not simply through the channel, or a channel, because there are many, but in your own consciousness, in your own time, and in your own reality.
Steve: Yes.
史蒂夫(S): 是的
AAM: It is not likely that I will bring you on ship today.
[Note that I had not asked this question of AAM directly in this reading but had definitely addressed the question to him the night before. The answering of a question before I asked him is for me evidentiary.]
But I will give you very tangible evidence that does not need to be questioned that you are in sacred partnership not only with me but with many of us.
The reason you do not go on board ship is that there are preparations underway for what you have been waiting for and for what they have been waiting for and for what we have been orchestrating for a long time.
But the reality of what you are really saying is that I am asking you not to listen to me but to listen to your heart. Now you think that you have not moved forward interdimensionally.
[Again this is not something I said to AAM before he raised the subject but I did talk to myself about it, so to speak, the night before. So again this is evidentiary to me.]
But that is not so.
You have shifted significantly. And what is happening as you are doing that is a great deal of the perception is also shifting automatically. But with this question as a backdrop, let us begin.
S: OK, Lord. I guess the problem is that I may have shifted interdimensionally but I don't have any experience of it. I feel like the same person at the same level of understanding so that's the paradox.
[X] had a message from Grener this morning and wants to know if it was a true message.
AAM: Grener has been talking and visiting with [X] because he has also … well, he loves her first of all … but he also feels that it is important that there be at least several vehicles for him to speak if not to the wider group of humanity then certainly to this smaller circle. So yes, the visitation and the message has been very real.
Grener has a very wry way of putting things. So yes it is real. But may I say something before we continue on?
S: Please.
AAM: You say that you do not perceive interdimensionally and yet your sense of love, even of peace, of relinquishing the drama, of letting go and embracing what you desire and know to be true, of building Nova Earth, of seeing me in form, of seeing the truth of other people's hearts, this has grown. This has expanded. I do not say this so that you can say, 「Oh, alright. I have proof from Archangel Michael.」 That is not my role.
AAM: 你說你沒有覺察到跨維度地,然而你愛的感覺、甚至平靜的感覺、放手戲劇的感覺、釋放的感覺、擁抱你所渴望的、知道會實現的事情、建設新地球、看到我具有形 式(有肉體)、看到其他人內心的真理,這已經增長了,這已經擴展了。我不是這樣說了,那麼你就能夠說:「哦,好。我從大天使邁克爾哪裡拿到證據了。」這不 是我的角色。
It is that I do not wish for you to underestimate what you have done, what you have received, what you have accomplished.
[Archangel Michael then goes on to describe what I or the blog have accomplished, but it would be perceived as self-serving of me to reproduce it so I delete it.]
And, yes, you take this as a very serious responsibility and so do I. But know that you have opened [readers], you have shown the way and what is possible.
[Again more favorable comments but I delete them.]
Now we have mentioned [these matters] even prior to December 21st but let us be very clear. If there is any of the old 3rd blame, fault, guilt, let it fall to us and not to you.
[More complimentary comments which I delete.]
So having said that, let us continue.
S: OK, Lord. And thank you for that. What we're addressing now is my mind so I look for every opportunity to provide what we call in [British] Spiritualism evidence, evidential indications, so I'm going to ask you a question for my mind. It would be evidential for me and perhaps even for X if you could tell us what Grener said to her, if you could reproduce some of what Grener said to her. Are you aware of what Grener said to her?
[I would call what I am doing here 「testing the spirits.」]
AAM: I am aware of pieces of it, yes. I do not eavesdrop on every conversation.
S: OK.
AAM: Basically what Grener has said to her is that [confidential information deleted, but accurate]. He has said to not give up hope, to not abandon what I would call your battle stations. He has said that you are to lead the way and that the plan is still in the process of unfoldment and that the uncloaking of the various ships, including the mother ship, will happen directly.
[In order to give the reader an idea of what Grener actually said through X, something unknown to Linda, to compare with AAM's rendition of it, here is the description of Grener's message from X:
「Grener popped in quite unexpectedly and told me 'Do not give up on US.....give up on everything else, but not on us. We are already amongst you and we will be coming. It was not an accident that I showed up in your mirror in early December. We will be coming very shortly. You (X) will feel much better then. [Deleted: confidential.] Steve should be writing from his heart and writing about what he knows about Love.』」
在2012年10月底的賽多納會議上,linda告訴steve beckow, 實際上海王星之旅已經發生了,只不過是在夢裡去的, 那段記憶現在還在封存中,也許還沒到公開的時候吧。
【2】steve beckow在12.22凌晨一點鐘發文章說他沒有經歷到揚升,12.21之前他替天堂公司說話,但是12.21之後他會替光之工作者說話,他說他不怕陰謀集團,他也不怕「天堂公司」,他說光之工作者應該被以快捷清晰的方式被給予答案。從這幾天的文章裡看,他顯然經歷了很多煎熬。祝福steve bwckow,也祝福貼吧、YY頻道里一直在努力著的朋友們。我還在這,充滿信心,你呢?~~
轉載自「xiaohaozi0716 新浪博客」