S: That's very good. Every instance of that does help me so thank you for that.
OK, well, I am dead in the water for a number of reasons. One I have told the complete story. I'm not sure what else to write. It's all been said and there's no sense going over it again. It's all on the site in the righthand column.
So it feels as if I've finished the complete saga, so to speak. And I don't like sequels. They're never as gripping as something that's in the moment and new. But that's only part of it. The other part of it is that I'm experiencing a crisis of confidence. And that's more serious and I need to discuss that with you.
Before the 21st of Dec., 2012, when things didn't go as they seemed they should, I would say to myself, well, it doesn't matter because the 21/12/12 is coming and it will wipe the slate clean so why get upset about that?
But there wasn't anything that happened on that day that matched what you were saying, what Saul, SaLuSa and Archangel Metatron were saying, what any of them were saying that would happen on the 21/12/12 that happened.
So once that occurred, then these other situations became prominent in my mind, so I need to go over that with you. I need to be satisfied on those scores so I can hopefully win release from this writer's block that I'm in. And put rather baldly, and in short form, nothing that you and I have discussed, no promise or predictions made, has come true. Nothing has eventuated out of all of that.
所 以,一旦這發生了,那麼這些其他的情況開始在我的頭腦裡佔主導地位,所以我需要和你複習一遍。我需要被滿足,有關這些成績,這樣我能夠充滿希望去贏得釋放 筆者的障礙。以非常直接了當和非常簡短的形式說,你和我討論的所有的事情、承諾、所做的預測,沒有意見成真的。沒有一件最終發生。
[I then reviewed, Pre-NESARA, NESARA, Disclosure, the Neptune, mass flyovers for the world and at Sedona, triple-digit dates, Ascension, etc.]
[作者註:然後,我回顧了,准NESARA,NESARA,大揭露、海王星計劃【1】,大規模飛船在世界上飛以及在賽多納會議上空,重疊日期11.11.11, 12.12.12等,揚升等等]
On none of these dates did anything happen that matched words that were said about them before.
[I then read from comments he had made about 21/12/12, etc.]
I don't know any person who has disappeared or ascended. At this moment, no one knows the date of Ascension.
I don't have a playbook to write from. I have nothing more to say. So there's all that.
[I then related personal things as well.]
My memory is still gone, interdimensionality not restored, blinkers not removed. You said I'd be working with the galactics in Geneva, Washington and New York but that hasn't occurred. [Etc.] Now you say that [confidential] will be on [date] and I'm saying to myself, 「Oh yah, oh yah, another date.」
AAM: And you'd be perfectly correct on that. We do not try and make excuses.
S: I understand.
AAM: Because we have not produced on the dates that we have said. And I have been listening not only to your conversation with the channel [before the reading] but long before that.
[Yes, I have lain on my bed and complained to the stars for days, as have many, I'd imagine.]
Because you and I have been having this conversation for days. In fact we have been having this conversation for weeks. And out of all of that the most important is the fact that you have not experienced the expansion, the growth, the evolution.
S: OK.
AAM: And that is the most significant because not only does it affect you. It affects many.
Never do we seek to avoid responsibility for what we have said would come to pass and what hasn't. Now in so many situations there has been the agreement with divine law that we will not interfere with human freewill. But I know that you say, well, this is simply too convenient because there are many whose freewill is absolutely there in the knowing and in the inviting and in the balance and the unity with us.
And containment truly helped escalate that and change that and make it a more important forum if you will
S: OK.
AAM: We … and this is difficult … are waiting to meet, not you, because you are there, so in many ways you feel that you are at the bus station waiting and the bus is never showing up.
But there are many others that we are also waiting for, that are approaching that bus station in hordes and this has not just been our decision. It has been your decision as well.
You say that you do not know any who have ascended, but I suggest to you that there are many who have gone through this doorway, who are standing in the portal but have also gone through the door.
S: I don't know of any personally, Lord.
AAM: We will start to expose them to you.
S: When? When do you mean, Lord? Now?
AAM: Today.
S: Today?
AAM: Yes, today. We will have them begin to communicate to you, on your website, what they are experiencing. So that will be what you conceive of as evidentiary proof.
S: Yes. I need solid, reliable people, Lord.
S:s 是的,我需要實體的,可靠的人(來提供這樣的證據)。
AAM: Yes, we understand. So do we.
S: I get lots of people who make claims.
[I relate one outrageous claim to AAM.]
AAM: No, it was not truth. You need solid evidence.
S: I do.
S: 我確實需要
AAM: You need peace on Earth as I do. You need radical adjustment.
S: Uh huh.
AAM: So this is what I say to you. I understand and embrace the crisis of confidence that is your mind, not your heart.
S: That's right.
AAM: I say to you, yes, we have let you down. I will not use the word 「failed.」 And I say to you that we will, quickly, a day, the next couple of days, provide you with tangible proof of a nature of which you are asking.
S: Adequate. Not just a few things that….
AAM: No, you were asking for the spectacular. I understand.
S: Well, something irrefutable.
AAM: Yes.
S: That's what I'm asking for. Something that is not open to interpretation. So for instance, if the proof was people writing in and saying 「I have ascended,」 well, that's not irrefutable. I don't know if they've ascended. Maybe they're just writing me. So something people will not be able to deny.
AAM: Yes, we understand.
S: OK.
在2012年10月底的賽多納會議上,linda告訴steve beckow, 實際上海王星之旅已經發生了,只不過是在夢裡去的, 那段記憶現在還在封存中,也許還沒到公開的時候吧。
【2】steve beckow在12.22凌晨一點鐘發文章說他沒有經歷到揚升,12.21之前他替天堂公司說話,但是12.21之後他會替光之工作者說話,他說他不怕陰謀集團,他也不怕「天堂公司」,他說光之工作者應該被以快捷清晰的方式被給予答案。從這幾天的文章裡看,他顯然經歷了很多煎熬。祝福steve bwckow,也祝福貼吧、YY頻道里一直在努力著的朋友們。我還在這,充滿信心,你呢?~~
轉載自「xiaohaozi0716 新浪博客」