




標題:聖母瑪麗亞 20121227 太陽是不是比以往更加明亮和美麗?






通靈:Isabel Henn

翻譯:Nick Chan

My beloved children, as your Divine Mother, I am proud of your achievements in this nearly ending year. You have achieved something that has never been done successfully before in this universe: the rise of a planet with a large part of its population. The rise of the population is not yet complete and will continue for a good while. Many people are just now waking up by the changes they can experience. Others have only short-term decided to ascend likewise. All these wonderful beings are not deprived of this opportunity. Gaia loves you so much that she keeps this option open for you for a while longer

我 親愛的孩子們,作為你們的神聖母親,我為你們在這快要結束的一年中的成就感到自豪。你已經取得了一些從未在這個宇宙中被成功完成的成績:一個帶 著大部分人口的星球的提升。人口的提升還未完成,並將持續一段時間。許多人現在才由所可能會經歷的改變而醒來。其他人則是短時間地決定同樣地提升。所有這 些美妙的存在並沒有被剝奪這個機會。蓋亞非常地愛你們,她為你們敞開這個選項有很長一段時間了。

My beloved Lightworkers, do not doubt the success, even if you can not see any major changes. Please be open, acknowledge that the shift into a higher dimension has occurred, allow it and let the other changes happen. I hear all of your cries, many of you doubt and lose faith in what have been told so often to you. I hear everything. Please continue to trust us, look into yourself for the first signs of the change. Welcome these signs and then you can find them outside of you. Doesn't the sun shine brighter and more beautiful than ever? Aren't the colors not even brighter? Look around and you will discover so much.

我 親愛的光之工作者們,不要懷疑成功,即使你無法看到任何重大的改變。請打開,認識到進入更高維度的轉變已經發生,允許它,讓其他的改變發生。我 聽到了你們所有人的哭泣,你們許多人對經常告知於你們的事物產生了懷疑並失去了信心。我聽見了一切。請繼續相信我們,看入自己尋找那改變的第一跡象。歡迎 這些跡象,然後你就會在外在發現它們。太陽是不是比以往更加明亮和美麗?色彩是不是更加地亮麗?環顧四周,你會發現許多。

Your bodies and your consciousness are in a process of adaptation. It takes a while, so please stay patient and do not block this process by a denial. Your guides and your Higher Selves are working tirelessly in your sleeptimes on this process. You'll find a kind of post-ascension symptoms that are similar to your so well known Ascension symptoms. Headaches, fatigue, dizziness, blurred vision and more. You're familiar with them. Accept the symptoms and it will be easier for you, they are finally signs of a major step in your spiritual development. And again some often heard advice: drink lots of pure, clean water, eat lightly and rest a lot. This adjustment process is very strenous for your body, additionally to that are the high energies, but be assured from me, this will get better over time. You can keep a diary or journal about your changes, it helps you to cope better with everything and also to recognize the changes over time. Some of the changes to you can be: clear-sightedness, clairaudience, seeing the aura of people, animals and objects, enhanced intuition, developing telepathic abilities, faster healing of the body, the ability to heal, and many others.

你 們的身體與意識正處於一個適應階段。這需要一些時間,所以請保持耐心,不要用否認來阻止這一過程。你們的指導和更高自我在你們的睡眠期間不知疲 倦地致力於這一過程。你將會發現一種快速的揚升症狀(post-ascension symptoms)類似於你所熟知的揚升症狀。頭痛、疲勞、頭暈、視力模糊以及更多。你對它們很熟悉。接納這些症狀,它們對你來說就會比較容易些,它們是 進入你靈性發展一個主要步驟的最後跡象。還有一些人常常聽到建議:多喝純淨、乾淨的水,吃清淡的,多休息。這個調整的過程對於你的身體來說非常吃力,外加 那高頻率的能量,但我保證,隨著時間的推移會好起來的。你可以書寫關於你改變的日記或日誌,這能幫助你更好地應付一切,同樣能隨著時間的推移識別出改變。 一些改變對你來說可以會是:敏銳的洞察力、超人的聽力、看到人們,動物和物體的光環、直覺的增強、發展心靈感應能力、快速地身體療愈(自癒)、療愈的能 力,還有其他的。

All this does not happen within days, it takes time and can take months. No one has in mind to overload you and your body. This would probably not be in your best interest. Trust in your Higher Self. It knows very well what is reasonable for you and what needs to be saved for later. It also determines more or less the rate of adjustments. You are now One with your Higher Self. You have been always, but now it resides in your heart and is closer to you than ever.

所有這些不會在幾天之內發生,它需要時間,可能是數個月。沒人想要自己和自己的身體超負 荷。這可能並不符合你最大的利益。相信你的更高自我。它完 全知道什麼對你是合乎情理的,什麼需要為了以後而被儲存。它還決定調整程度的或多或少。現在你與更高自我已是一體。你一直都是,但現在它駐留在你的心中, 比以往任何時候都要接近你。

Be patient with yourselves, my beloved children. You now have all eternity for your further development. Please stay in your light and your love. Help your fellow men when they come to you and ask for the reasons for all these changes. This is even now still a part of your tasks as Lightworkers and Wayshowers. There is now no longer a date, which need to be considered, you stand now at the beginning of a glorious wonderful future.

要 有耐心,我親愛的孩子們。你現在擁有了為你進一步發展的所有永恆的一切。請駐留在你的光與愛中。幫助那些前來並詢問所有這些改變緣由的同胞們。現在這依舊 是作為光之工作者和引路人的任務的一部分。現在不再有一個日期,你需要去擔憂,你現在就站在一個輝煌美妙未來的開始。

Your stellan brothers and sisters want to give you some time for the initial adjustments and take a breather, which ye now urgently need. Enjoy this holiday season and the holidays that come in one or another of your countries. You can then continue to work with the restoration of the beauty of Gaia, by your love and your energies anchored through you in your homeworld. You are with that helping Gaia to dissolve still more old negative energies. In this way, major disasters can be avoided. It will continue to have earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, this can not be avoided as the expression of the cleaning process, but you can through your love and energy help Gaia to minimize the amount. In return, and as expression of her love to her residents, she extends the opportunity for humanity to participate in the ascension process.

你 們的星際兄弟姐妹想要給你們一些時間來初始調整和短暫的休息,也正是你現在迫切需要的。享受這個假期,和你們處於的國家正在到來的這個或另一個 假期。隨後你可以繼續致力於恢覆蓋亞的美麗,通過將你的愛和能量經由你錨定於你的家園。你就是在幫助蓋亞溶解更多老舊負面的能量。在這樣的方式中,重大的 災難就可以避免。仍會有地震和火山噴發,這是無法避免的因為這是清理過程的表達,但你可以通過你的愛與能量幫助蓋亞使這些數量減少到最少。作為回報,作為 對她居民愛的表達,她擴展了讓人類能夠參與揚升進程的機遇。

Once it is worthwile and beneficial for you, your stellan families can help and support in building your new society. It would still be too early now. Nobody wants to spread fear and chaos in this crucial moment. We had all hoped that the changes in your daily life and also the arrival of your stellan brothers and sisters could be accomplished before Ascension, but we had to delay it in favor of an undisturbed ascension process in consultation with all those involved directly. Your attention on your really big goal should not be distracted by other upheavals of all type and a possible outbreak of fear and chaos. Please forgive us this further delays. Your reliefs will be performed gradually according to your adjustments to the 5th Dimension.

曾經它是對你有益和 值得的,你的星際家人會幫助並支援構建你的新社會。現在還為時過早。沒人想要在這關鍵時刻傳播恐懼和混亂。我們都希望你日常生 活中的轉變和你星際兄弟姐妹的到來能夠在揚升之前完成,但我們不得不推遲它,以便支持一個平穩的揚升進程,與所有那些直接參與的人協商後。你對於真正的大 目標的專注不應該被各種形式的混亂和一個恐懼與混亂的可能性爆發所擾亂。請原諒我們這進一步的延遲。你們的救濟會根據你對第五維度的調整漸漸地被執行。

I am aware like many that you're disappointed and have expected more. Immediate full awareness, instant healing of all kinds, and a life in paradise. An awakening from the illusion and immersion into the 5th Dimension or higher. A sudden change of the dimensions would have been too great a burden for you as humankind, as a whole. A gradual adjustment, which is also supported by the opening of your perspectives is much less stressful for you, and that was the only possible option for you.

我知道你們許多人很失望,本期望著很多。即刻的全 意識,即時的各種療愈,和一個天堂般的生活。一個從幻象中的覺醒並沉浸到第五維度或更高。一個突 然的維度改變對作為人類的你來說是個太大的負擔,以及整體。逐步的調整,是你開放的觀點所支持的,對你來說壓力會比較小,也是你唯一可能的選擇。

Live your love and let go all three-dimensional conceptions and beliefs and open yourselves therefore to the higher dimension. Live a five-dimensional life and it manifests itself before your eyes.


My beloved children and newly Ascended Masters, for this you are now, build now full of confidence and joy your new 5D-life in a new society that is no longer in service to self, but meets the requirements of service to all. You are all One, so act now further thereafter, supported by numerous volunteers from all over the universe and all higher dimensions and realms.


As your mother, I embrace each one of you and wrap you in my infinite eternal love. I am Lady Maria, your Divine Mother.




    創作者 秀瑢 的頭像


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